RAEX Sustainability Webinar 39: Climate risks in the iron and steel sector in Russia
10 March 2021
12-00 pm – 13-30 pm CET
RAEX-Europe, together with the Carbon Trust and EthnoExpert, invites you to the webinar “TCFD reporting for iron and steel sector in Russia”. The webinar will first cover RAEX’s assessment of climate risks mitigation actions performed by Russian companies within the iron and steel sector. The Carbon Trust and EthnoExpert will then provide an introduction to the Financial Stability Board’s TCFD framework along with practical how-tos for implementation as well as an overview of specific climate risks and opportunities for companies in the iron and steel sector. In the last section, representatives of iron and steel sector will provide an actual case study of their experience with TCFD disclosure.
Svetlana Grishankova, Managing Director of RAEX-Europe
Denys Anokhov, Rating service of RAEX-Europe
Tom Cumberlege, Associate Director of the Carbon Trust
Francesca Messeri, Senior Analyst of the Carbon Trust
Maxim Titov, Director of EthnoExpert
Nikita Vorobyev, Environmental and Climate Affairs Director, NLMK Group
Alexander Samorodov, Chief Specialist, Environmental and Climate Affairs Department, NLMK Group
Topics of the webinar:
TCFD reporting for the iron and steel sector in Russia
Climate adaptation and carbon strategies of iron and steel companies
Results and insights from RAEX’s assessment of climate risks mitigation actions performed by Russian companies within the iron and steel sector
Introduction to TCFD and practical how-tos for implementation, including examples of scenario analysis
Main climate-related risks and opportunities for iron and steel companies
NLMK’s decarbonization path and climate risk and opportunities assessment
You can register for this webinar using the following link:
Please note that this webinar will be in English without translation
Video recording and all materials of this webinar are available at the following link:
List of speakers:
Svetlana Grishankova
Managing Director, RAEX-Europe
Denys Anokhov
Rating Associate, RAEX-Europe
Tom Cumberlege
Associate Director of the Carbon Trust
Maxim Titov
Head of ENERPO Research Center, European University at St.Petersburg
Francesca Messeri
Senior Analyst of the Carbon Trust
Nikita Vorobyev
Environmental and Climate Affairs Director, NLMK Group
Alexander Samorodov
Chief Specialist, Environmental and Climate Affairs Department, NLMK Group