On the 11th of February 2020 RAEX-Europe has organized a discussion of the Republic of Belarus credit rating. The event took place in the venue of AKA Ausfuhrkredit-Gesellschaft mbH - European Export and Trade Bank. Representatives of major European banks, including Deutsche Bank, Société Générale, Commerzbank, ODDO BHF, KfW, IKB Deutsche Industriebank AG and Helaba Bank participated in the event. The Belarusian banking system was presented by the representative of Belarusbank in Germany – Andrey Smolskiy and the Chairperson of the Board of Bank Reshenie – Sergey Budnikov.
Agenda of the event - English version 
Agenda of the event - Russian version 
Belarusbank - Belarus at Glance: Country and Banking System
RAEX-Europe - Republic of Belarus Credit Rating 
Belarus sovereign credit rating – Press Release
Belarus sovereign credit rating – Research Report