RAEX-Sustainability webinar 69: Water management in the mining and metals industry
13 October 2021
13-00 - 14-00 CET
- Dawn Brock, Senior Programme Officer of the Environmental Stewardship and Social Progress programme, ICM
- Evgeny Shor, Director of the Department of environmental protection and safety of hydraulic structures, PJSC Polyus
- Why is water stewardship so important?
- ICMM member commitments
- Standardised approach to water stewardship for the mining and metals industry
- Water management at PJSC Polyus
- Projects in the sphere of water use at PJSC Polyus
- Monitoring of water use at PJSC Polyus
- PJSC Polyus’ Water report
You can register for this webinar using the following link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMocemtpz8pH9bGiY9EDS1aKbEEHzdd8WfI
Please note that this webinar will be in English and Russian without simultaneous translation.
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Video recording and all materials of this webinar are available at the following link:
List of speakers:
Dawn Brock
Senior Programme Officer of the Environmental Stewardship and Social Progress programme, ICMM
Evgeny Shor
Director of the Department of environmental protection and safety of hydraulic structures, PJSC Polyus