RAEX-Sustainability webinar 57: ESG in the gold mining industry (with participation of PJSC Polyus)
14 July 2021
13-00 - 14-00 CET
Daria Grigorieva, Head of Sustainable Development, PJSC Polyus
Mikhail Kaptsov, Rating Service, RAEX-Europe
Svetlana Grishankova, Managing Director, RAEX-Europe
ESG risks of gold mining companies
ESG ranking of Russian gold mining companies
Presentation of the water report and ESG practices of PJSC Polyus
You can register for this webinar using the following link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0pce-qqj0oHNNe_o2CISgHSk9p4YMEAVrA
Please note that this webinar will be in Russian without translation.
* By registering to this webinar you agree to the Terms & Conditions for participation in free online events organized by RAEX-Europe.
Agenda of the webinar:
- ESG risks of gold mining companies
- ESG ranking of Russian gold mining companies
- Presentation of the water report and ESG practices at Polyus
Video recording and all materials of this webinar are available at the following link:
List of speakers:
Daria Grigorieva
Head of Sustainable Development, PJSC Polyus
Svetlana Grishankova
Managing Director, RAEX-Europe
Mikhail Kaptsov
Rating Analyst, RAEX-Europe