RAEX-Sustainability webinar 91: Sustainability reporting. The case of Severstal
8 June 2022
13-00 – 14-00 CET
- Dmitry Poyarkov, Head of Corporate Social Responsibility, Severstal
- Anna Kozlova, Senior Manager, Head of ESG Communications, Investor Relations Department, Severstal
- Approach to non-financial reporting in an uncertain environment
- Severstal's experience of improving non-financial reporting to reflect changing standards
- ESG rating requirements as a driver for greater transparency and a comprehensive approach to work with ratings
You can register* for this webinar using the following link: https://raex.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwpfu6upj4tGNBsGjOrydFSAtU8TNOFcHTX
Please note that this webinar will be in Russian without English translation.
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Video recording and all materials of this webinar are available at the following link:
List of speakers:
Dmitry Poyarkov
Head of Corporate Social Responsibility, Severstal
Anna Kozlova
Anna Kozlova, Senior Manager, Head of ESG Communications, Investor Relations Department, Severstal