25th of December 2024
RAEX Rating Agency has released the final ESG ranking for 2023. The total number of participants of the list is 144 companies from Russia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia.
The top companies of ESG-ranking as of 25.12.2024 are as follows: the first place in the list still belongs to PhosAgro, the second - to Norilsk Nickel, closing the top three is Sberbank, the honorable fourth and fifth places are occupied by ALROSA and Polyus respectively.
In the outgoing year, RAEX analysts evaluated companies from 27 industries, 128 companies from Russia, 14 from Kazakhstan, 2 from Mongolia. A new sector appeared in the ranking: “Insurance” represented by Renaissance Insurance Group, Ak Bars Insurance and Ak Bars-Med Insurance Company, and “Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals” with one company - Biocad.
Analysts of the Agency note the growth of the average score of assessments by industries, as well as the average scores for factors E, S and G.
The assessment was carried out according to the updated methodology published in spring 2024. For the formation of the ranking, RAEX analysts studied only public data of companies, taking into account the specifics of their activities. Now, in order to be included in the list, companies need to disclose the required minimum of specific ESG-related data, rather than simply declaring their commitment to sustainable development principles.
The final version of the ESG ranking based on the updated methodology includes companies assessed as of the end of 2024. Early next year, RAEX plans to update the ESG ranking by direction for the 2023 reporting period.